Estudio de How to Influence LLM Models with Advanced Content and SEO Strategies
Artículo publicado en Kyle SEO Consulting > por el propio Kyle Bombardier.
Procedo a copiar mis notas en bruto que voy comentando.
Notas del artículo
- Evolving Search Behavior: This shift demands a focus on creating concise, authoritative content to secure visibility.
Vemos el patrón de lo conciso, lo preciso.
- Context Over Keywords: prioritize context and relevance… Success in SEO now hinges on crafting holistic, well-structured content that addresses user intent comprehensively.
Eyes Wide Open.
- SEO + LLM Models: staying ahead of changes in how information is processed and ranked online… placing more importance on context and relevance rather than just keyword density.
Context, es algo fácil de entender, pero Relevance es distinto: es cuanto de pertinente es este u otro tema para tu empresa, medio, propósito.
Yo no hablo de Facebook en mi web, aunque me quede cerca…
- Understanding how LLMs interpret and rank content can be a game changer for anyone looking to maintain or improve their online presence.
¡Vale! ¿Y cómo es eso? 🙁
- How LLMs Process Content: by breaking down text into smaller components called tokens. They analyze the probability of one token following another.
Yo siempre he sospechado que los buscadores de internet nos darían los sistemas de lenguaje de los robots… Al menos era, y es, alta tecnología buceando en el lenguaje humano.
¿Esto de la probabilidad de que a un fragmento (token) le siga otro, no lo veis en la función de autocompletar de Google, WhatsApp, etc.?
- LLMs in Search Engines: Search engines are now leveraging LLMs to enhance how they rank and present content… allow these platforms to: Understand conversational queries; Prioritize content that addresses specific user needs; Provide summaries, comparisons, and other advanced features directly in search results.
Specific user needs: se acabó el rollo patatero > respuestas directas.
Hemos de incorporar más summaries.
- Optimize for Featured Content: Create content that is concise, authoritative, and well-structured to increase its chances of being cited in AI summaries.
Increase its chances…
- Focus on Brand Recognition: Ensure your brand is memorable so users can seek it out directly, even if a link isn’t provided.
Clave aquí de por qué hablar cada vez más de tu marca, es la publicidad en la camiseta de los deportistas.
- It’s not just about optimizing for higher rankings but also about anticipating user behavior.
Se me acaba de ocurrir si es posible insertar un widget de ChatGPT o lo que sea en nuestras URLs para que explore nuestro site y de respuestas que no hemos sido capaces de anticipar.
Y esta es la ventaja de las IAs, anticipan, no mejor, pero sí más cuestiones que somos incapaces de imaginar.
- Use natural language that mimics how users search and interact. For instance, instead of “best shoes,” try “What are the best shoes for running in the rain?”. Incorporate long-tail keywords that align with conversational search patterns.
- Provide actionable advice: Ensure readers leave with practical takeaways.
- Maintain readability: Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to improve user experience.
Tools for Tracking AI Mentions and Citations:
- FalconRank:
- Profound:
- Seer Interactive’s Free Template:
¡Gracias Kyle!